Crisis Politics

" The scariest dragons and fiercest giants... usually turn out to be no more than windmills."
Don Quixote
About us
We are a network of interdisciplinary researchers with expertise in crisis prevention, management and resolution, in response to evolving, real or perceived, global and local challenges. We understand crises as the combined products of sudden events and social perceptions, largely defined by the dominant narratives surrounding them and the resources allocated for their management.
We offer research consultancy services to institutions, governing bodies and organisations for the early diagnosis of the causes, nature and severity of emerging threats and the identification and effective communication of concrete solutions to manage them. We employ rigorous mixed-methods methodologies, combining qualitative tools (e.g. discourse/thematic analysis; stakeholders' interviews/focus groups) with tailored-made surveys and sophisticated quantitative analyses.
We have an extensive track record of academic excellence, policy impact and knowledge exchange activities, including, among others, in relation to pandemic politics, refugee politics and austerity politics.
Our network has an underlying emancipatory objective to promote individual and collective security, personal responsibility, and fair-decision making through evidence-based evaluations and recommendations, as well as technologically empowered solutions for data analysis and gathering.